An Alps & Meters' Portrait: Jordan Manley

Based out of North Vancouver, British Columbia, our friend Jordan Manley is senior photographer for Bike and POWDER magazines and as producer/director of the A Skier’s Journey web series, he has traveled from the arctic to Antarctica.

Team Alps & Meters

Caring for your Leather

Like your skis or board, Alps & Meters “Forged Performance” products will also benefit from care and attention to ensure maximum longevity when it comes to protection, durability, and maintenance of your garment's original aesthetic values. 

Team Alps & Meters

Hunter Lawrence

Our brand is excited to partner with a select group of alpine photographers whose worldwide adventures, skiing acumen, and artistic sensibilities blend together to capture and distill a unique view of alpine sport full of vivid color, light, and texture. Through this particular correspondence, we'd like to introduce you all to Hunter Lawrence, an exciting, young photographer and friend of the Alps & Meters brand.

Team Alps & Meters

What's in a Name?

We aimed to create a brand with a persona that reflects the timeless, nostalgic, and rich experiences that many of us have enjoyed during the winter season.
Team Alps & Meters

Sneak Peek!


These great images, taken by photographer Dave Bradley, are partial body shots of our signature Men’s Shawl Collar Jacket. Replicating classic garment construction methods, the dense lambswool yarn is knitted to reflect the exceptional ergonomics and aesthetic nostalgia of traditional ski sweaters.


Team Alps & Meters